Your kids will thoroughly enjoy this beautiful nature scavenger hunt that they will want to do again and again.
Variations to the nature scavenger hunt
There are a few ways to complete the scavenger hunt so that it can be played more than once.
1. Multiples
Start off by adding a specific number next to each of the pictures. Once outside, your child has to find that certain number of each of the items.
2. Photos
This is a great variation for bigger kids. Every time they find one of the items on the list they have to take a picture of it.
3. Race
If you are playing with a few kids, have them race to see who can find all of the items first. Better yet, no one can find the same item as anyone else.
4. Rainy Day
If you find yourself indoors due to weather or illness, this game can still be played inside. Have your kids sit at the window to see how many of the items they can find from the comfort of their home.
Have fun!
Feel free to print multiples of this nature scavenger hunt to hand out to friends. They make great gifts to add to party gift bags. Heck, make it one of the games at your child’s next party. Kids and adults can both enjoy this nature scavenger hunt together. What are you waiting for? Get outside!